Tuesday 26 April 2016

Hard work is not the Secret of Career Success but the Right Choice is...

Maj Shiju
Education in India has always faced a lot of challenges with the rapid changes undergoing in higher education. The students are confronted with spate of challenges in choosing the appropriate career due to the ignorance of inherent capabilities and available career options. Growing unemployment of the educated, deterioration in academic standards, indiscipline, are the serious malaises of our education system today and these show that the system needs revision and cleansing. We witness degree holders in lakhs at present and their future seems to be bleak just because of their wrong choice and ignorance about various opportunities. We find Graduates and post graduates working in different fields than on the area of studies. Why?

In Indian system the parents and the students are becoming serious about the career choice only after the results are out for the plus 2 examinations. As a custom we are still determining the career just based on the marks that we have achieved rather than on inherent capabilities. In an era of technology and floating of manifold information we should not get stuck at traditional approach or careers. This is an era for winners and anybody can be a winner provided things are chosen right. Despite being informed parents, students and even teachers are not ready to take a risk or ready to use the scientific tools which subsequently destroying not only the future of the student but the country at large. The suicide attempts among the students and degree holders are shooting up due to wrong choices which are subsequently leading to academic pressure and unsuccessful career. The nation is losing an opportunity to get right talents in Medicine, Engineering, Arts, Fashion designing, Nation building, entertainment and what not.

The winners always had one thing in common that they specialized in their talents. They always stood apart from the crowd and became winners. They always got applauded but never stood in the crowd to applaud others.

Today each parent wants their child to be a winner, the student wants and why not the schools too. However, we are still on the traditional approach without using the scientific tools and not focusing on inherent talents or aptitude. The parents and students are still waiting for the plus 2 results to determine their career. The moment the results are out they start running pillar to post to choose the career. They land up to meet with various people and finally land up in choosing a career which is chosen by someone who is elder in their family/relation or land up in a crowd psychology of following the peer groups without realising the uniqueness in him/her.  Finally they land up with the crowd only to look up at the successful people who chose their career based on their interest, intelligence and aptitude.
As a career guide I always faced a problem of children rushing to my office or home for choosing the career after the results are declared. You will land up in a less time and you never be able to give a right guidance as the time is running short for the further processing of admissions. Hence finally I tell them to choose the career what they have decided or been looking forward for and finally I land up in just getting the admissions done. I always suggest the parents, teachers and students in my classes that the right time to undergo the decision making process is class 9th as you have got enough time to plan, explore and finalize based on your inherent capabilities. However it is better late than never so I suggest class 12th students also to undergo this process before choosing the career. It is better to invest a little sum of money for scientific analysis on self before investing a lot of money on your career education and regretting on it later. Ultimately you have to win field not a matter. It is better to be a successful Hair designer than being an unsuccessful Doctor.

Please understand every job is not meant for all. Every individual is unique. If you do not understand the uniqueness of the individual and guide them to a career of your choice you are rather killing them rather than grooming. Just imagine your child is too good at singing but you are training him for skating with a handicapped leg. What can be the future of your child? This is called Academic pressure and further leading to suicides. Whereas the same child would have never felt an academic pressure while learning music but would have worked day and night to reach on the top of the world. As Albert Einstein rightly said “Everybody is a genius but if you judge the fish with its capability to climb a tree it will remain stupid in its entire life”

My dear parents, teachers and students it is not the hard work which is the secret of career success but the right choice is. However you work hard on the wrong career you have chosen there is a limit to be successful whereas if you have chosen the right career based your inherent capability consisting of their interest, intelligence, aptitude and personality the hard work would have paid. 

Wednesday 29 January 2014

You can make complicated things simple

You can make complicated things simple
By Maj Shiju 

A true leader can make a change by the way you approach a situation. It is your response to a particular situation makes people get motivated and get the things done.
There are three approaches to resolve an issue. You can choose one among them.
1.       Surprised Approach
2.       Smart Approach
3.       Visionary Approach
I can explain to you by narrating a situation as given below;
You want to take a team of 200 people from place A to place C. There is a point B in between which is a river with 20 meters stretch. The route is never experimented by any of the team member before going. How do you approach it???
1.       Surprised Approach

·         Go along with the team and get surprised by seeing the situation.
·         Call for a meeting
·         Conduct group discussion
·         Take a Video call with higher management.
·         Approach the consultants for Advice
·         Continue with brain storming
·         Ask for more and more ideas from group
·         Analyze the pros and cons for each suggestions
·         Finalize a plan to make a temporary bridge
·          Send for its validation to higher management
·         Take an approval for its construction
·         Ask for the quote from vendor
·         Finalize the deed after due analysis
·         Construct the bridge
·         Take them to point C

2.       Smart Approach

·         Being a Smart Leader make a recce before taking the team from point A to point C
·         Understand that there is a river to cross
·         Prepare for constructing a temporary bridge with adequate back up
·         Go along with the team
·         Show as if you too are surprised
·         Call for a meeting
·         Conduct group discussion
·         Take a Video call with higher management.
·         Approach the consultants for Advice
·         Continue with brain storming
·         Suddenly raise as a savior of the situation and tell them you can help at this situation
·         Prepare the temporary bridge already planned
·         Take a big applause from all team members as well as from your boss
·         Let a strong recommendation go to higher management for your recognition
·         Give a feel that you are the savior of mankind
·         Get the best appraisal possible from higher Management

3.       Visionary Approach

·         Being a Visionary  make a recce before taking the team from point A to point C
·         Understand that there is a river to cross
·         Work hard to prepare temporary bridge with your available resources forgetting day or night
·         Take the team
·         Team easily reaches point C without any constraints and even without knowing that there was a problem
·         No praises to you
·         No appraisal to you
·         You have just done your job only
·         Take the normal hike that everybody gets in the organization
Remember being a visionary you may not be very smart to market yourself but in the long term it pays you. It is the visionaries who bring change. Now you choose which approach you want to take.

Saturday 15 December 2012

Increase Productivity through Concentration.

Concentration of the attention is one of the top secrets of supremacy and power. All achievements in the world, whether in the field of art, literature, history, science or military victories, are based on the power of attention or concentration. Concentration is that state of mind in which the entire energies of the individual, physical as well as mental, are focused upon the thing which he wants to do or is doing.
Concentration is the most important intellectual habit of people who succeed in life. It is, simply bringing all your mental forces and faculties, to bear steadily, on a given centre or an objective, without deviating, from the exact point, and to hold steadily all your power on the central thing under consideration, without a second, of wavering.
How to Concentrate
·         Do one thing at a Time
·         Be Relaxed
·         Do not get tensed  
·         Don’t be keyed up
·         Relax before a big Task

We cannot concentrate on any problem, or issue, if our mind is cluttered with hurry, worry, and fear, which are poisons and handicaps. Not only those poisons need to be thrown overboard, but also anything, or any person, troubling and disturbing your serenity and peace of mind.
We need a clean mental state, every day, to write upon, though some people have developed their mental poise so well that they can work on their problems in any condition of noise, traffic and other tumult.
Concentration Techniques

It is vital, to make condition, of our concentration, on any task or issue, as favorable as possible. Even under the best of circumstances, concentration is difficult enough. But a quite place free from all uproar, distractions, interruptions and noise is conducive to concentration.
Only a clutter free place, with a pleasing environment, is essential, not only for the beginners, but for a large majority of people, for their creative working and thinking. Highest degree of concentration is required for producing master pieces or for mastering subjects and excelling in them.
Atmospheric environment requirements differ from persons to person. But generally the best work has been done is solitude.
The best way to concentrate is to determine in advance, on what and when you should concentrate. When you start your work without a plan, chances are that you might get caught in routine and insane activities, like answering a ringing phone or picking up any magazine or newspaper lying on the table, or checking emails, or just eating snacks, even if you had a full meal.
Some people allow themselves and their minds to be pulled in several directions, because they have no goals to achieve or no important task to do. Before starting your day, you must decide your schedule for the day and what is the most important task, or task you are going to concentrate on. You must make a clear plan of action beforehand. Without an objective or an aim, you will find yourself side tracked and preoccupied by a variety of irksome and distressing diversions and feelings.
By formulating a blueprint, you can resolve, as to, where you would like to assign your mental energy, instead of allowing it to be dispersed haphazardly and aimlessly. Our daily schedule, should aid us in focusing our mind, steadily on one thing at a time and in the sequence best suited to us. This way, we can eliminate any possible confusion. A plan of working is a superb aid in keeping our mind concentrated on the things that matter most to us.

Quality Productivity is only by Concentrated Minds

The quality and quantity of our work and the final output depends not only on the hard work we put into it, but also on out ability to concentrate. No matter how hard to we try, we cannot excel in our work and productivity, unless we concentrate.

Thursday 13 December 2012

How to improve your memory?

Individuals differ in their abilities to memorize. Some have more impressionable mind than others. Therefore, the materials they learn get more easily and more effectively registered as a result of which they show better abilities for recall and recognition. Is it possible to improve one's memory? Yes, more specific aids to memory are available.
Developing your memory is not a magic it is just a technic.
By using the techniques described below, one can improve one's encoding, storage, and retrieval capacities.
The word 'mnemonics' comes from the Greek word for memory and refers to specific memory improvement techniques. The 'mnemonics' consist of a following set of strategies;
1.      The use of visual imagery
2.      Method of loci
3.      Number and Letter Peg Systems
4.      Chunking
5.      Narratives.

1.      Visual Imagery
·         These are organized set of images and concepts in the long-term memory.
·         LTM images serve as reminder cues for retrieval.
·         These reminder cues are called pegs as though the to-be-remembered items are hung on these pegs.
·         The pegs act as mediators for remembering something long and complex.

2.      The Method of Loci
Its literal meaning is method of locations. The memory pegs in this system are parts of your images of a scene or places. It helps in remembering a number of terms serially. Suppose you want to remember the following five terms serially: house, man, tree, water, and book. You need to go through the following three stages:
(a) Visualize a series of places with which you are very familiar (for example, visualize five rooms in your educational institution like principal's room, staff room, classroom, laboratory, and toilet in that sequence).
(b) Create a visual image of each term you have to remember (for example, create the images of horse, man, tree, water, and book).
(c) Associate the terms one by one with the places in your imagery (for example, associate horse with principal's room thinking that the room has a big photograph of a horse, then associate staff room with man, classroom with tree and so on).
One can also use the same set of images for remembering an additional list of items. The method of loci has proven to be helpful in remembering separate terms in an order.
3.      Number and Letter Peg Systems
Here the memory pegs are numbers or letters. The to-be-remembered items are linked to the visual images formed with numbers.
For example, you may create a rhyming system for the numbers 1 to 20. Think of words that rhyme with numbers such as 1 with man, 2 with shoe, 3 with tree, 4 with door, 5 with hive and so on. Now if you want to remember a list, associate each term serially with the images of the numbers. Suppose the first few items of the list are cake, door, chair, book, and pen. You may create associations as follows: man is eating the cake, shoe is in front of the door, chair is hanging from a tree, a door is created by arranging books, and the pen is hidden in the bee hive. In each case, you associate the number image with the items to be memorized.
Using letters as pegs follows a similar method. In this case, let each letter stand for a word that starts with that letter. The images of these words are linked to the items to be remembered. These methods not only help in remembering the items serially, but also help in recalling the 9th, 16th or 21st item. Any numbered item can be retrieved from memory. It is shown that more bizarre the images of the items to be remembered, the easier it becomes to store and retrieve.
4.      Chunking
Chunking refers to recoding information into a single meaningful unit. It is a powerful and oft-used mnemonics to aid memory.
Suppose you want to remember a seven-digit phone number, 2350478, it will be helpful if you break the number into two chunks such as 2350, and 478. One chunk consists of four digits, and the other consists of three digits. In fact seven units of information are reduced to two longer units called chunks. By doing this you automatically increase your working memory capacity. You can further aid your memory, if you associate the numbers 2350 and 478 with some facts firmly established in your LTM. For example, in order to remember a phone number 610365, a person told me to divide the number into two chunks, 610 and 365. He further helped me to associate the numbers with some knowledge in the following way: We are busy from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. every day, and for all the 365 days. I have never forgotten that phone number. Similarly you have to create your memory linkages.
5.      First-Letter Technique
If you need to remember a set of concept names, you can take the first letter of each concept, and combine them to form words, though not meaningfully. When children remember the seven colors of the rainbow in the form of' VIBGYOR', they use this technique. We remember the word through their abbreviations such as ICU for Intensive Care Unit, IEC for Information, Education, and Communication, and UNICEF for United Nations Children's Emergency Fund. In this method, the order of the words or concepts is important.
6.      Narratives
In order to remember a list of unrelated words, you may create a story using these words. Suppose the items to-be-remembered are tree, water, gate, sun, and forest. The made-up story might go as follows, "A crow on a tree needing water flew over the gate under the hot sun to the forest." While recalling the items, the story would help you to retrieve the items from the LTM.
All the mnemonics discussed above provide useful techniques to improve one's memory. But as you know, memory is far more complex a process and these techniques have limited applications, when higher-order memory processes are involved. The contents of a college level course are far more complex.
In fact, you cannot rely on a single and simple method for improving your memory for the course. Several other additional factors and considerations are important. Ability to memorize depends on the internal characteristics of the learner, the characteristics of the items, and the methods of learning.
First of all, the person must feel the need to improve his memory, and must be highly motivated to do so. He needs to have good physical and mental health. In order to be able to store the items and recall those later, he must use efficient coding devices, pace his rate of learning, use effective methods for learning the items, rehearse the learnt material for proper storage, take rest in between learning sessions, and from time to time engage in exercises of recall to assess the status of storage. If you are motivated to improve your memory, you may consult the teachers of psychology in your college.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Life is not much complicated. Take it with a smile…

Dear All,
I have come across a beautiful article and thought it is good to share with you.

The life of human beings is full of happiness but sometimes it also lead to some troublesome situation. Life is not so complicate but the people by their activities make it so. There are so many puzzles about the life have been seen in various articles, magazine, journals   and books. They give solution also. There is a huge difference between making a life and making a living.
Everyone is busy in making their life in the world. After working whole day, there are so many things have been experienced that gives us problems and irritation. We faced many hurdles in our life. Those who are heavy set with material desire will have a lot of trouble when their things are taken away from them or lost. But the truth is life still is easy. It always will be.
The only difference is we are older, and the older we get, the more we complicate things for ourselves.  When we were young we saw the world through simple, hopeful eyes.  We knew what we wanted and we had no biases. We liked people who smiled.  We avoided people who frowned.  We ate when we were hungry, drank when we were thirsty, and slept when we were tired. As we grew older our minds became gradually destructed by negative influences.  When a new hindrance or growing pain arose, we stumbled and a fell down.  This happened several times.  Eventually we decided we did not want to fall again, but rather than solving the problem, we avoided it all together. As a result, we ate comfort food and drank alcohol to numb our wounds and to reduce our problems. We worked late nights on purpose to avoid unresolved conflicts at home.  We started complaining, playing mind games, and subtly deceiving others and ourselves to get ahead.  And when it did not work out, we lived above our means, bought things we did not need, and ate and drank some more just to make ourselves feel better again. Over the course of time, we made our lives more and more difficult, and we started losing touch with who we really are and what we really need.
So let’s get back to the basics, shall we?  Let’s make things simple again.  It’s easy.
Here are ten ways to do just that:
1. Think only about the present –
Past is unchangeable but it guides us surly. So always try to learn from past and never repeat mistakes that you have done in past.  The future is the result of today’s action. So learn from the past to do better in present so that you can success in future.
2. Attitude should be positive-
Thinking about negative things is always harmful. So start thinking positively so that you can enjoy your life because positive mind-set is essential for continue happiness and success.
3. Take the life easily- life is not strictly business’ it can be mixed with pleasure. Always try to do whatever you want to do. First decide what your perfect life consist of and begin to put the step in motion to reach that place. The most satisfying thing in the world is overcoming a challenge and reaching a goal.
4. Be honest at all time-
Lies lead to nothing but trouble. So always speak and work honestly because honesty is the best policy in the world.
5. Develop the ability to forgive-
You make mistake all of the time so why not have mercy when others do. In our life we experienced bad and good things both. So remembering those bad incidents lead us to frustration and anger and that is very dangerous to our health and mind. So always try to forgive those bad incidents because forgiveness is the virtue of saints.
6. Inculcate the habit of reading-
Reading is the basis of improving the personality and knowledge. Whenever you get frustration and felt lonely, take a good book and start reading. It will make you feel free and calm. Books are the greatest and trust worthy friend of a man. They never deceive you. So make it habit and you will see the result soon.
7. Meditation and Prayers-
The ability to quiet your mind and relax your body is an art and skill that everyone should develop. The beauty of silence is the greatest thing in the world that was felt by our great saints and personalities. So meditate every day for at least twenty minutes to feel the world beyond the reality. It will really wonderful and magnificent.
8. Always show your gratitude-
Gratitude seems very little thing but when it comes in the sense of behaviour then it became a very great and valuable thing. So always show your gratitude towards the persons who really helped you.
9. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best-
Our desire makes us crazy but sometimes when we lost something then it was very bad for us. So always remember the thing that whenever you will go to face any challenge in your life, first of all your preparation should be good and effective and have best hope in your mind after then everything is okay.
10. Love yourself and others-
If you truly want to be a master in your life, let love be in your every action. Love yourself, your family, Friends and enemies alike. Love is the only rival against the massive presence of hate, so follow this thing and immediately you will see yourself amongst the leaders.

Definitely you can make life simple not very complicated. But you have to decide now what you want....

Stand apart!!!